7 ways to Increase Instagram Followers

– Shashank Chauhan

7 ways to Increase Instagram Followers

Instagram is one of the major tools for any brand to showcase their business. Businesses use Instagram to engage with their audience, drive traffic to websites and sell products. Businesses always struggle to get more targeted Instagram followers for their brands. That’s why they always make a strategy to increase their Instagram presence.

The bigger the brand, the bigger the strategy. Your strategy defines how you will target your product to your audiences. And more followers means you have more opportunities to interact with them.

The Instagram algorithm has changed and it gives less than 6% reach to your post now!

Many businesses take shortcuts by purchasing followers and likes – this is the worst idea if you are growing your brand. If Instagram detects these kinds of activities, they will ban your account. And you wouldn’t want that.

Instead of that follow these 7 ways to increase Instagram Followers:-

There are so many strategies that brands are trying to Increase followers but not getting it.  

Here are 7 ways to increase Instagram followers:-

1) Optimize your Instagram Account.

The first step, whenever you create an account, switch it to a professional or creator account. In the optimization process of an account, you have to focus on a few points to get into the eyes of people and show more about your business without really talking to them.

– First upload a Brand logo.

– In the bio section, tell people about your business, in limited words. (150 Characters).

– While writing a perfect bio you must use hashtags and add Primary and Secondary keywords.

– Always fill in full information like contact number and email id.

– Put a website or any link on the bio.

– Always use the brand name in the username (So that people can easily find you).

2) Schedule Instagram Posts in advance.

Posting content at the right time is the key because most of the audience is active and your content purpose to reach out will be successful. 

After posting a week you will get to know when your audience is most active. Then you have to plan and schedule the content. 

Schedule Instagram Posts in advance

For scheduling the content you can use Facebook creator studio for free to schedule your Facebook and Instagram posts. You can schedule your whole month’s content absolutely free of cost. 

3) Post content followers want.

Posting random content on a social media platform doesn’t give you results. Instead of random posting, start researching what content is unique and attracts your customers. But the most important part is to engage with your customers and ask them what content they would want to see. 

If you produce what your customer wants, it will help you grow fast on social media platforms. 

Do some research and give your audience the best content and exactly what they need.

4) Go Live on Instagram

Instagram Live is one of the best features till now, you can use Instagram live to engage with your audience live with no boundaries. This will lead to a higher engagement rate and followers. 

While interacting with your audience on Instagram live, solve audience questions in real-time. 

5) Create Brand Hashtags

Brand Hashtags are unique for every business. As brand hashtags, you can use a company name, tagline, or based on product, or campaign. 

Brand hashtags are a great way to spread about your business. The more people use this hashtag, the more people will remember your business.

6) Engage with followers

In 2021, the algorithm is totally based on connections or you can say interaction with your followers on a daily basis. The more you interact, you will get more reach and growth to your Instagram. 

There are so many ways you can engage with your audience on Instagram:-

– Reply to stories.

– Dm your queries.

– Try to create a discussion in your post comment section.

– Through Hashtags (Niche related)

– Engage with every follower’s post once a day.

Try out these ways and focus on building a genuine connection with them. 

7) Create an attractive Theme based profile.

Create a theme-based profile. If a person visits your profile and your profile is based on your brand color theme, they will have more chances to follow your profile. 

Always try to build your Instagram profile theme-based, on your logo or brand color.  This attracts more audiences and makes you a professional Instagram Marketer.

Follow all of the above 7 ways to increase Instagram Followers. These will for sure help you to increase followers. 

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