Statistical Analysis of Digital Marketing

– Vibha Menon

Digital Marketing Statistics - Abbraccio Digital

While it is quite well known how essential Digital Marketing has become for each business today, it becomes extremely important for new businesses to understand its scope and the value of such a trending market.

Digital marketing is one of the most cost-effective and easier methods of marketing today. There are so many great opportunities one misses out when they fail to use digital marketing efficiently, or not at all.

A successful company knows how important it is to establish itself on all social media platforms and on online portals since it serves to be the most direct form of interaction between the company and its target audience. Marketing has never been so fun and easily affordable before!

According to the statistical analysis of Digital Marketing in 2019 accumulated by the International Telecommunication Union, there are around 53.6 billion people online – that is more than 55% of the total population on earth! 

With such a huge crowd online, it is only more than important to showcase your products/ services to the eyes that are constantly on the screen. And why fret, when approaching this huge audience is more than easy and affordable using various social media platforms at minimal costs or at times none at all.

Statistical Analysis of Digital Marketing - Abbraccio Digital

As of April 2020, there are approximately 2.5 billion active users on Facebook, 1 billion active users on Instagram, and almost as many on other social media sites. If we do a Statistical Analysis of Digital Marketing a huge number will come out and see the Changing Digital Marketing Trends.

Digital Marketing Statistics India - Abbraccio Digital

This only makes it imperative to join the marketing competition online. Of course, old-school techniques of catching up with people and convincing them of your product/ services may work for a few, that too for a limited period of time, but it can probably never give you the almost instant results that marketing online can provide.

Even just building your brand image online can transform your business in a matter of weeks, if not days. Statistical Analysis of Digital Marketing helps you to know where we are heading towards, are goals and plans are achievable or not.

“Mediocre marketers think in terms of campaigns. Great marketers think in terms of growth frameworks. “

Neil Patel

If this humongous audience isn’t enough for you to trust the power of social media marketing, then you also need to know a few real lead generation and consequent conversion rates:

Even just building your brand image online can transform your business in a matter of weeks, if not days. Statistical Analysis of Digital Marketing helps you to know where we are heading towards, are goals and plans are achievable or not.

Abbraccio Digital Digital Marketing Stats

Let us take the example of Facebook-

  • As mentioned Facebook has approximately 2.5 billion active users, among them, 1.66 billion are daily active users on average!

  • 79% of these users are in the age range of 18-29 years (a great market indeed)

  • If that’s not enough, 39% of the Facebook users follow various business pages and 32% engage with brands online.

  • Campaigns using lead ads have a conversion rate of 12.54% on average and for campaigns that use landing pages, the conversion rate pedals around 10.47%.
Social Media Marketing - Abbraccio Digital

This analysis shows how imperative social media marketing has become for all businesses around the world. Facebook and Instagram discussed here are only mere parts of the whole digital world- there’s so much more in store for future entrepreneurs and businesses! Digital Marketing Statistics shows how businesses and startups are growing very fast using the Internet.

(All statical data must be correlated with Statistica until mentioned otherwise)

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